FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is Tyre Booster?

Ans.  Tyre Booster, a puncture preventative, is a specialist blend of more than two dozen

chemicals in a viscous liquid state. It coats and clings to the inner walls of the tyre and wheel. Tyre Booster is water soluble and will not ball up or dry out. It leaves no residue when rinsed out of a tyre or washed off any surface with water. It does not adhere like glue. Also, Tyre Booster is non-flammable, non-volatile and non-toxic.

Q: How does Tyre Booster work?

Ans. Tyre Booster is poured directly between tyre and rim and remains inside the tyre for the UN

entire life of the tyre. By coating the entire inner surface of the tyre also Tyre Booster conditions the casing, seals air leaks, and protects against most blowouts and air loss from punctures. The first time the vehicle is driven for five miles or more, Tyre Booster disperses throughout the entire air cavity. Normal flexing of the tyre and centrifugal forces enable Tyre Booster to seal the tyre so the correct air pressure will be maintained.

Q: Is Tyre Booster cost effective?

Ans.  Yes. Our end-users report that Tyre Booster reduces annual tyre maintenance costs and

losses due to down time by an average of more than 75%. It prevents punctures and blowouts, improves fuel economy and enhances performance, provides safety, security and peace of mind.

Q: How long will it last?

Ans.  For the expected tread life of the tyre. Tyre Booster does not cease to function or break

down over time.

Q: Will Tyre Booster freeze or evaporate during extreme weather?

Ans.  No. Tyre Booster is herbal based (similar to anti-freeze) protects against heat and

cold from 4ºC to over 90º C. (depend upon oerating system) and in self life vary from -110 deg centg. to 205 deg. Centg.

Q: Does Tyre Booster collect at the bottom of the tyre or ball up?

Ans.  No. Once the initial driving period has been achieved, Tyre Booster will be thoroughly

distributed throughout the entire inner surface of the tyre.

Q: How big a puncture can it repair?

Ans.  Commercial grade seals wounds formulated for any vehicle with pneumatic tyres, tube or

tubeless . ( because diameter of nail and insetring angle depend upon oeprating conditions)

Q: Will Tyre Booster hide or mask a large or dangerous puncture?

Ans.   No. In fact, Tyre Booster is formulated in such a way that it leaks out from big size

puncture area and from unsafe punctures or weakened tyre casings allowing the tyre to deflate in a controlled manner.

Q: Is it compatible with all tyre compounds?

Ans. Yes.

Q: Will Tyre Booster cause problems with wheel balancing?

Ans . No. As long as wheels are balanced

Q: Can a tyre containing Tyre Booster be repaired or retreaded?

Ans. Yes

Q: Does Tyre Booster work in tubeless-type tyres?

Ans . Yes, the gel acts like punture sealant, the initial cost may be slightly more, however, the

savings and reliability is greatly increased. We recommend that nails (if present in the tyre) be removed on a routine basis and the tyres’ air pressure be maintained at appropriate PSI

Q: Will Tyre Booster Cure or Harden Inside The Tyre?

Ann.   People often ask “If Tyre Booster cures from exposure to outside air, then why does it not

cure by the inside air of the tyre?” As the vehicle is driven and the temperature of the tyre increases, a portion of Tyre Booster ‘s liquid base evaporates within the tyre’s inner air cavity, As the tyre cools the liquid condensates back into the formula. The inside air actually becomes part of the system. The sealed air chamber prevents outside air from entering, and inside air from escaping. Constant air pressure re-settings are now no longer required.

Q: How Does Tyre Booster Function In A Tyre?

Ans . It is very important that you understand certain aspects of the performance characteristics of

a tyre in order to learn how Tyre Booster act as Tyre Life Extender/sealer functions. Rubber recovery within a tyre, is very important in conjunction with Tyre Booster. When a tyre is punctured, the rubber is forced open by the penetrating object. The wound is actually much smaller than the puncturing object. Rubber has memory and it will recover to its original shape after being subjected to adverse conditions or stress factors. When the penetrating object is removed, the rubber recovers and the wound closes (a tyre that is old, worn out and/or dry rotted will have little or no rubber recovery). A penetrating object left in a tyre for any extended period of time causes the rubber to temporarily lose its ability to recover. After removing the puncturing object, it is recommended to immediately flex the tyre to reactivate the rubber’s memory. As the wound closes, Tyre Booster is held in place and will create a positive seal/clot. Tyre Booster is a proprietary process and enables Gel to cling to the entire inner surface of a properly balanced tyre. The centrifugal force that is created within a high speed tyre actually stretches the Tyre Booster much like a rubber band, however, it will not pull the Tyre Booster off the inner surface. The correct amount of Tyre Booster for highway speed vehicles has been scientifically calculated to provide the proper coating to the inner surface of the tyre, allowing for absorption into the casing, yet still maintain a reserve. The reserve, approximately 20% of the amount installed, is extra Tyre Booster that will shift/move. Only the reserve will settle to the bottom of the tyre when the vehicle stops. The reserve constantly redistributes as the tyre rotates, thereby continually providing an even coating. Each time a puncture occurs, a small amount of reserve is used.

Q: What Is Tyre Flexing?

Ans . Tyres are constantly flexing when a vehicle is driven. The weight of the vehicle, the

irregular surface of the road, and the turning of the tyres create a substantial amount of flexing. It is important for the Tyre Booster clot/seal to be forced through and into the seal. Once this is accomplished the seal/clot cures to become a positive secure seal. Manual tyre flexing can be accomplished by striking the tyre several times with a mallet around the wound area and/or bouncing the tyre against the ground. This creates a temporary seal that will become positive once the tyre is installed onto the vehicle and driven approximately 2-5 km.

Q: Will Tyre Booster Achieve A Positive Secure Seal?

Ans.  Tyre Booster coats and clings to the entire inner air cavity, conditioning the inner surface

and eliminating porosity and bead leaks. Once the initial driving/usage period has been attained, (2-5 Km.), Tyre Booster will be thoroughly distributed throughout the entire inner surface of the tyre/wheel. Tyre Booster is a propriety liquid coating that continuously stands on guard to protect tyres against air loss for the tyre’s legal tread life. When a tyre is punctured, Tyre Booster is forced against and around the puncturing object by the inner air pressure, thereby preventing air from escaping. If the puncturing object is thrown out of the tyre by centrifugal force or is pulled out, the inside air forces Tyre Booster into the wound and immediately stops air loss. Special fibers entwine, forming a clot, then as the rubber recovers, aided by the flexing of the tyre as it rotates, the inner air pressure will force the seal/clot well into and through the wound. The seal/clot extends well into the wound, and once cured will provide a seal that is impervious to water (rain, snow, mud, etc.). As the seal/clot cures, it is transposed into a positive rubberised seal, protecting the inner casing and steel belts by preventing outside contaminants from reaching into the wound.